Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Polar Panoramas

Okay, so you've seen my Spherical Panorama, but now for my Polar Panoramas.  To learn how to do this I researched  Steps to a Polar Panorama. I learned that first you need to find a beautiful area that has a horizon. Once you find that area, you take overlapping pictures that has little detail on the bottom and the top, always remember to keep your left and right edges matching. Once you've got those pictures, open up Photoshop and then you can resize and rotate all of your pictures together. You should have a square image, once you do, rotate your image 180 degrees and add Polar Filter to your picture. After that all you've got do is edit your picture from good to great! For more information you can look at Polar Coordinates

As you can see in the first Polar, there is a picture of me. To do that my partner took a picture of me with the camera closer to my head. I loaded that picture up on Photo shop in a new tab and used the Quick Selection Tool on my image. I moved the Quick Selection Tool over a part of my image. I draged the tool over the part of the subject I was working on. A little trick is to hold alt/option over a part you don’t want in your pic. Then I simply adjusted the background color and selected the sample all layers box. To make the shadow I Copied/Pasted the image and adjusted the exposure to make a dark image and lowered the opacity to about 40%. Once I get a shadowed image I adjust it to look like a shadow on the ground.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on your blog Claudia! I love the analogous color scheme!
