Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Practice Story Reflection

Throughout this past week, my Gifted and Talented class has been working on a practice interview story. We wrote a transcript, filmed what had to be filmed, and then edited it all together. Our interview was called "Gabby likes dancing" it was about how my classmate, Gabby Mahoney, started dancing and how she feels about it. To start this project, we filled out our transcript. The transcript had what the interviewee was going to say, what the narrator was going to say, and how we would film each part. I was the narrator, and Gabby was the interviewee.

After making the transcript, it was time to film. We had to film Gabby getting interviewed and the B-Rolls of the interview. To film the interview itself, we had to make sure that there was no eye contact with the camera, natural lighting, and clear audio; in my opinion, we did good with the no eye contact and natural lighting, but our audio could have been improved. The B-Rolls were a little more difficult to film because we had to think of something different to film (besides the interviewee) that matched what we were talking about in the interview. While filming the B-Rolls, we also had to add some sequencing, that was also difficult. 

Once we were done filming, it was finally the time to edit our clips together and create the perfect interview! Mia was in charge of the editing, since we used her computer and she wasn't actually in the interview. Even though Mia was in charge of the editing, we all helped out. First, we added the interview and edited out all of the bloopers. After, we got the interview on the storyboard, we overlapped some of the interview with the B-Rolls. Once we got all of the footage we filmed edited we added the narrator voice overs. We did turn in our Practice Story a few minutes late, but we turned in a satisfying film that I think our class will enjoy!

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