Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Composition Techniques

Composition techniques are a way photographers and filmers make their story interesting. They bring personality to the subject, and make it interesting for the viewer. There are about 14 composition techniques. The main four techniques are Rule of Thirds, Framing, Unusual Angles, and Leading Lines. Rule of Thirds is when the image is not centered and more off to the side, to use Rule of Thirds, cameras usually have 3 horizontal and vertical lines to help you position your subject/camera. Framing is using natural surroundings to give more meaning to your subject, this could include bushes, trees, or even a doorway. Unusual Angles allows you to see a picture or video from another point of view, like an ant’s point or a birds eye view, this technique gives a lot of personality to the image. Leading Lines are used to lure the viewers eyes to a deeper part of the image or the important subject of the image using lines from objects around us; these lines include roads, fences, branches, etc.

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