Friday, April 4, 2014

Words of Wisdom

During the third quarter, we worked on our second Hiki No video project. In this project we had to do a profile project. My group interviewed Jack Leonard, the head coach from Kauai Gymnastics Academy. We started this project by writing a transcript about the interview. That took us a bout a week. We had to plan the questions we would asked, the B-Rolls, the interview shots, and the voice-overs. Once we had our transcript, it was time to film! We first filmed the interview itself. The interview was about how Coach Jack inspires gymnasts. Once we had the interview done, we shot the B-Rolls a few days after. We shot the B-Rolls on about 3 days. We finally got all of the footage we needed! In class, we edited all of the footage together into one profile story. We then filmed Mia reading the part for the voice-overs. Throughout the final days of the project, w edited, and edited until the final story was good to great! Our words of wisdom are important because it inspires others to keep up with their dreams, and to remind them that if you got 2nd, you didn't loose 1st, you one second.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Five Tips For Preventing Injuries

During the beginning of the year, we did our first Hiki No project. The topic of our project was five tips. We had to think of five tips for a certain subject. My group decided to do 5 Tips For Preventing Injuries. Our topic basically teaches the viewer how to not get hurt. We got the idea because one person in our group, Gabby, recently fell and scrapped her arm. We thought that it would be a good idea to show people how to prevent getting hurt. Our video turned out really good, it was actually shown on Hiki No! Although, I think we could've fixed the focus of most of the shots. Some of the shots were out of focused and made the video look bad in quality. Other than that problem, I think our video turned out great!